Culture, Legible, Opinion, Politics, Social Media, Uncategorized
July 5, 2024
Five Lessons of the Nazi Takeoverby Timothy Snyder, excerpted and condensedAs the United States hovers at the edge of fascism, the history of Germany can help. Those who wish to preserve the American constitutional republic should also recall the past. A good start would be just to recall the five basic political lessons of 1933.1....
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Using AI against Cancer, Diabetes, and Alzheimer's
Artificial Intelligence, Future, Science, Technology
June 20, 2024
I asked (a ChatGPT). If you disagree with the results, let me know.Q:Who are the leaders in the fights against cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's using AI? Give me a summary of the most promising results so far, based on the latest research you have available, and how AI has helped.A:CancerAI Leaders and Promising Results:Deep...
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Hugo's home
Ephemera, Photography, Visible, Weird
February 24, 2024
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Rare Led Zeppelin Live LEVEE
Audible, Audio, Audio Engineering, Music, Preservation, Rock
February 22, 2024
Impeccable recording of a rare live performance. Came out in 2022, but news to me. Combines the soundboard with an audience tape, always the ideal combo. Bonham starts taking it out at around the 5 minute mark, then Plant comes in with the Harmonica From Hell, followed by Page, who is clearly on some...
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Happy birthday, Luis Buñuel
Art, Cinema, Cult Movies, Surrealism, Visible
February 22, 2024's Luis Buñuel's birthday. I saw UN CHIEN ANDALOU and Cocteau's BLOOD OF A POET on a double bill at The New Yorker *by myself* when I was about 7 years old, mid 1960s.Any wonder why I am the way I am....? I had no idea what I was in for. It was a...
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Drums on Keeper of Atlantis
Audible, Music, Rock
February 18, 2024
2 by Keeper of AtlantisDelighted to find my drum loops used on this stompin', skronkin' howlfest. I only found out about it 'cause it turned up on Discogs. Solo project from Ramon LP4 Medina (Ex-Linus Pauling Quartet and The Cryptographers guitarist). There's a couple others on the album, but this one is my favorite.
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My Artistic Agenda for 2024
Announcements, Fundraising, Future, Music, New Music, News, Rock, Web Series
February 18, 2024 News! As we dive into 2024, I'm thrilled to share upcoming projects that I have planned. GET THE WHOLE STORY HERE! New albums on the horizon, including a live album from John Ashton's Satellite Paradiso, featuring Sara Lee and members of Mercury Rev! Exclusive releases for Patreon supporters, featuring deep dives into the...
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Rise and shine
Humor, Photography
February 18, 2024
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Folk Music, Memorabilia, Music, Playlist, Preservation
February 16, 2024
My father would have been 89 today. He only made it to 35. Technology is a double-edged word, but it's made it possible for his beautiful voice to still be heard.
Folk Classics and Hidden Gems, Vol. 1 by Frank and Gwendolyn Coleman
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2nd Court Case in a Row Finds AI is Not Plagarism
Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, Future, News, Propellerhead Beanie Alert, Technology
November 21, 2023
That makes two fully adjudicated court cases in a row finding that AI is NOT plagarism. Hard to prove infringment when you don't have any examples, and you never get the same result twice.
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The Acronym Behind Our Wildest AI Dreams and Nightmares
Artificial Intelligence, Culture, Ethics, Future, Opinion, Philosophy, Science
November 20, 2023
To understand the deepening divide between AI boosters and doomers, it’s necessary to unpack their common origins in a bundle of ideologies known as TESCREAL.
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How I Built The First Interactive Music Site on the Internet
Demo, Interactivity, Internet and Social Media, Music, Preservation, Propellerhead Beanie Alert, Rock, Technology, Visible
February 24, 2023
I created the first interactive music site on the Internet, and here's proof. I've been searching for a long time for as much concrete proof as I can find to support this claim, and now I finally have it.
A transcript of the video is here.
It was October 30, 1995, coinciding with the release of...
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Using ChatGPT to help write my memoirs
Artificial Intelligence, Memorabilia, News, Technology
May 25, 2023
The other day, I suddenly got the radical idea to try using ChatGPT for what it was designed for.
Always a rebel, you see.
Specifically, it's good for analyzing large piles of text that would take too long for a human to read, and giving a summary.
I'm in the middle of trying to start to get going...
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Existentialism: A Moot Point
Commentary, Opinion, Philosophy
May 25, 2023
One of my bête noires lately is the misuse of the word "existential." Anyone who uses the word to mean a life-or-death situation clearly did not read Camus's THE STRANGER in school like they were supposed to.
Existentialism emphasizes the individual's free will and ultimate responsibility for one's actions. An "existential crisis” describes individuals who are...
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VIDEO: My Daily Warm-Up and Practice Tips
Drums, Music, Music Theory, Video
May 11, 2023
Here's a new video showing drumming exercises and routines I do to keep myself in shape. First and foremost, use a metronome. Speed is not the goal. Steady and even, without straining, is the goal. These exercises will also help develop your ambidexterity. I usually start at around 180bpm and drill various rudiments, eventuallly...
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VIDEO: You Kill Me - George Hall and Friends
Humor, Music, Music Video, New Music, Rock, Video, Weird
May 9, 2023
Music video director for hire. Here's my latest, made for my good friend and esteemed colleague, George Hall & Friends. Buckle up for a happily weird and utterly rockin' 2 minutes and 8 seconds.
Special cameo appearances by:
Napoleon Bonaparte
Buster Keaton
Lionel Atwill
Charles Dorety
Vincent Price
Buddy Holly and the Crickets
Sigmund Freud
Lorena Velasquez and an unidentified martian
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Mixcloud Set #3: Step Lively: Electro-Musical Stimulation
Music, Playlist, Streaming Media
February 28, 2023
Something about electronic dance music puts me in a good frame of mind when I have to do something mundane and repetitive, like programming. It puts my mind into a kind of auto-pilot, where I don't even feel the work, I just kind of glide over it.
Here's some of my favorite tracks I turn to...
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Sounds Like Film Noir: My 2nd DJ set on Mixcloud
Music, Playlist
February 20, 2023
People have as many misconceptions about film noir as they do about electronic dance music.
Some examples:
Perception: Film noir is always in black and white, and takes place in the seediest part of the city.
Reality: LEAVE HER TO HEAVEN is in Technicolor, takes place at a gorgeous lake house in the mountains, and is one...
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Early Conversations with ChatGPT
Artificial Intelligence, Culture, Ethics, Future, Internet and Social Media, Legible, Prompt Engineering, Science, Technology
November 1, 2023
<a=#topofpage>I broke it, first try. Check out this screenshot. I have my own ideas about what constitutes stress-testing the system.Had better luck with these. Granted, this was very early days, and I was using ChatGPT version 3.5, which could not connect to the Internet, and was limited by a data set that only went up...
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NEW: My first DJ set on Mixcloud
Audio, Music, New Music, Playlist, Streaming Media
February 16, 2023
My first show on Mixcloud! It's electronic music with heart, not just a pulse. These songs are deeply poignant, and speak to a universal sense of longing, even if the longing is fulfilled. If that sounds like a conflict in terms, well, it ain't. Soul comes from the author, not the pen they use.
First-of-its-Kind Psilocybin Clinical Trial for Fragile X
Culture, Neuroscience, Science
January 25, 2023
Ten people with fragile X syndrome are set to receive microdoses of psilocybin after Vancouver-based biotech company Nova Mentis gained approval from Health Canada to start a phase 2A open-label trial in partnership with KGK Science. Miniscule doses of psilocybin rescue a cognitive deficit in rats modeling fragile X syndrome, according to a December study from a team including...
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Rescuing Kim's Video from the Mob
Cinema, Cult Movies, DVD, Movie Screening, News
January 25, 2023
Photo: Sundance
"Kim’s Video doesn’t wholly detail Redmon’s legal efforts to secure the videos’ reacquisition. But such explanations are unnecessary, since the documentary’s real subject is its director’s uninhibited cine-passion, and the way in which it compelled him to live out his dreams of uncovering conspiracies, hobnobbing with powerful elites, pulling off...
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David Crosby, RIP
Culture, Music, News, Obituary, Rock, Uncategorized
January 20, 2023
Stephen Stills, Graham Nash, Neil Young, and David Crosby of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young perform at San Jose Arena on February 4, 2000 in San Jose, California. TIM MOSENFELDER/GETTY IMAGES
I had the good fortune to see Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young on March 27, 2000, at the Boston Garden. It...
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Krimi (1959 – 1972)
December 26, 2022
If you like classic horror films, mysteries and / or film noir, and are unfamiliar with this oddball cinematic side alley, it's well worth your time. Klaus Kinski often plays the role usually reserved for Elisha Cook Jr. in such tales – the wormy, creepy guy who always gets the shaft. Watch on MUBI.
Drums, Music, Music Video
November 19, 2023 Firestarter beat00:30 Uptown Swing aka Krupa Beat01:02 Northern Soul beat01:20 Hard Funk beat - alternating drop 101:41 Latin breeze aka Cocktail Hour beat02:04 Take 5 (5/4 beat)02:24 Making 13/8 time sound almost danceable02:38 Downtempo minimal Trip Hop02:52 "Gallop" beat03:03 Jazz waltz (3/4 time) aka Broken Carousel beat03:18 Sunday Bloody Disco beat03:31 Sea shanty beat...
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Everson/Coleman on Cinema – Episode 1 – DEAD OF NIGHT (1945)
Cinema, Classic Horror, Preservation, Review, Video, Visible
March 27, 2022 and I have a long history with the movies, and with each other. Here's our first time doing a video podcast together, about our first date, when we were eight years old, watching DEAD OF NIGHT at one of Bambi's dad's legendary Saturday night screenings (for the uninitiated, see here).My beloved will readily admit...
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A Musical Easter Egg
Audio, Jazz, Lounge, Music, Music Theory
January 23, 2022
A great track with a groovy Secret Agent vibe. I always smile when this one comes on SomaFM, because it also includes one of my favorite musical "Easter eggs." A funny, surreal turn of phrase in the Fender Rhodes solo, where another highly recognizable, completely unrelated melody comes marching through, and just as quickly,...
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Tutorial: iPhone + Final Cut: Making a seamless slo-mo video loop
Demo, Technology, Tutorial, Video
January 21, 2022
It was snowing. I took 5 seconds of slo-mo video with my iPhone, processed it in iMovie on the phone (a critical step for keeping the slo-mo effect!), imported that into Final Cut, tweaked it and made a seamless loop. This shows you how!
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Want more? Better? Faster? SUBSCRIBE!
Advertising, Fundraising, Future, Preservation, Social Media, Thanks
January 21, 2022
Everyone's got their price. Name your own.It takes a certain amount of resources to mount any type of artistic endeavor of any consequence. No mystery there, particularly if you care about things like production values!However, I have so many different projects going that doesn't make any sense to try to do a fundraiser for each...
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Videos: Lez Zeppelin 4+
Music, Music Video, Video
December 17, 2021
My brother Patrick referred me to Steph Paynes and the mighty Lez Zeppelin, who needed visual accompaniment for an upcoming show, the complete PHYSICAL GRAFFITI. We had so much fun putting that together, I jumped at the chance to orchestrate their LED ZEPPELIN 4 performance. I HAD to jump – I only had 48...
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Jackson Pollock in VR (Music Video)
Art, Music, Music Video, Surrealism, Video, Virtual Reality, Virtual Reality
November 5, 2019
I took the largest print I could find of Jackson Pollock's "Summertime 9a," broke it out by color spectrum in Photoshop, exported the pieces as separate PNGs with transparent backgrounds, imported those into a virtual reality environment (Tilt Brush), built a “room” out of the pieces in 360 space, then did a fly-thru, in...
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How to Make Your Mac 100x More User-Friendly in Three Minutes
Technology, Tutorial, User Experience (UX), Video
October 25, 2019
In which I demonstrate the first thing I do with any brand new Mac to make it much easier to navigate than the way it comes from the factory. As always, your mileage may vary, but this is what works for me.
Demo, Music, Music Theory, Music Video, Tutorial
October 24, 2019
In which I gives an examination of how to think about playing odd meters in a musical, aesthetically pleasing way. Topics include Take Five (Brubeck), America is Waiting (Byrne/Eno), Tomorrow's World (Killing Joke), Tattooed Love Boys (Pretenders), Scatterbrain (Jeff Beck), 13/8, 5/4, 7/8, 9/8, 31/8, and nested rhythms. Read More
Frank Coleman - Lingo Library / Inspiration
Demo, Interactivity, Programming, Technology, Tutorial, Video
October 11, 2019
A blast from the past - a guided tour through my Code Library that I built for myself using Inspiration (, a deceptively simple visual organization program that maps well to the way my mind works. The code is Lingo (Macromedia / Adobe Director), circa 1996, (!) but the real point here is the way...
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Elizabeth McGovern - The Truth (excerpt)
Music, Music Video
June 5, 2019
It's 7:30PM, Sunday night. My phone rings.
"Hey, we need a music video for Elizabeth by 9AM tomorrow morning. She's going on TV to promote the new Downton Abbey movie. The only problem is we don't have any footage."
"That's not your only problem. It's 7:30, the night before."